A Mathematical Treatment of Foot Placement in the Il Dan Blue Pattern

Since my earliest days of learning the Il Dan Blue pattern, I’ve had a hard time convincing myself that the right (left) foot should finish in the same place as it started when performing the pattern’s right (left) side. I would always finish close to where I started, but always sufficiently far away to leaveContinue reading “A Mathematical Treatment of Foot Placement in the Il Dan Blue Pattern”

Until I Never Get It Wrong

I’ve long been fascinated by people who deliver flawless performances requiring complicated skills and that are executed with seeming effortlessness.  I’m thinking of people like John Baptiste whose hands wander almost absent-mindedly over the piano keys and unleash the most beautiful, improvised music. Or Danny MacAskill riding his mountain bike with such amazing grace andContinue reading “Until I Never Get It Wrong”

Musings on the White-Senior Pattern

For a while now I’ve been thinking about creating a post centered on each of our style’s patterns (kata).  This desire has been growing steadily over the past few “COVID months” as I’ve been spending so much time training alone in the basement dojang; training in a deliberate and conscious manner, trying to identify weaknesses,Continue reading “Musings on the White-Senior Pattern”